If you’ve been to our office lately, you’ve probably noticed that we’ve added some friends to our back lot.
We never can predict what Dr. Owen has up his sleeves. This proved true when three giant farm animals showed up in our back yard! Two roosters and a flying pig to be exact. We decided that we should probably give our new buddies names. After all, what’s a giant pig statue without a name?
We bounced ideas around in the office and after Dr. Owen suggested we call them “Pig”, “Rooster #1”, and “Rooster #2” we decided to get some help!
That’s where you guys come in! We decided to have a contest and let all of you come up with names! Stop by the office (Or email us an entry!) and enter a name for each one in exchange for a chance to win some frozen yogurt! Who doesn’t love frozen yogurt? We will pick names for each animal and the person who came up with the winning name will receive a $20 gift card to Three Flamingos.
Make sure and have your entry in by before October 8th!
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